all postcodes in PE28 / HUNTINGDON

find any address or company within the PE28 postcode district

Postcode Area

PE / Peterborough

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PE28 9AA 9 0 52.318648 -0.112658
PE28 9AB 11 0 52.318787 -0.115733
PE28 9AD 2 0 52.319799 -0.114553
PE28 9AE 6 0 52.319276 -0.116563
PE28 9AF 11 0 52.321265 -0.12003
PE28 9AG 11 0 52.321346 -0.121728
PE28 9AH 35 1 52.322233 -0.118697
PE28 9AJ 35 0 52.321792 -0.116985
PE28 9AL 6 0 52.323363 -0.118532
PE28 9AN 41 0 52.324523 -0.123648
PE28 9AP 5 0 52.325385 -0.130362
PE28 9AQ 17 0 52.32074 -0.120976
PE28 9AR 8 0 52.326463 -0.12747
PE28 9AS 4 0 52.322051 -0.129358
PE28 9AT 1 0 52.315446 -0.126373
PE28 9AU 16 0 52.321296 -0.117446
PE28 9AW 40 0 52.32611 -0.131843
PE28 9AX 5 0 52.324627 -0.125111
PE28 9AY 7 0 52.325721 -0.123759
PE28 9BE 6 0 52.31757 -0.107157